Wednesday, August 19, 2009

LoCash Cowboys - MO State Fair Sedalia 2009

Let me preface the LoCash Cowboys by saying that Chelsey saw them last year of the year before at the Lincoln Co Fair with the Baker girls and has talked about them ever since. They got a signed picture of them then and thought they were great. I guess if I had been a regular at the MO State Fair I would have known who they were since they have been playing at the Bud Tent for the last 5 years, but I haven't, so my first experience came at the Bevier Homecoming on Friday, August 7. And they were awesome.

Chelsey knew she would once again see them at the State Fair as she would be going with the Baker's as Jessi Mae as having her birthday party there and they were going to be camping for 3 nights. The kids and the Bakers left on Thursday morning headed for the State Fair, when I got off work on Thursday, I headed from Columbia to Sedalia and met them and we watched the concert. The girls had no interest in the headliner that night which was Cross Canadian Ragweed and after hearing them my sentiments were the same. LoCash Cowboys played first and energy the have on stage is quite electrifying and quite entertaining. Chris and Preston make quite a team.

As soon as their concert was over they got in line at the merchadise table waiting for them to come out and sign autographs even though the girls knew they wouldn't be out until after the other concert. And to no avail, here they came. The guys were great and took time with each of the girls asking their names and signing their pictures and posing for the cameras. From that point on the girls were in "Locash Heaven". We hung out until the signing was complete and I had asked and the guys were going to be crossing the walkway heading over the bud tent and I metioned that it was a "13th Birthday Party" for one of the girls, so as they came across they stopped and talked to the girls and sang Happy Birthday to Jessi Mae. It was an unfortgetable experience for them I am sure!!

Preston of LoCash Cowboys center stage.

Chris and Preston of LowCash Cowboys.
Preston and Chris the LowCash Cowboys and Chelsey.Chris of Locash Cowboys.
Preston of LoCash Cowboys.Chelsey, Myah and Jordan.
Chelsey sporting her signed picture.
Ta da!
Chelsey, "wheeling around".
Chelsey and April the monkey.
Chase and Quentin "redneck camping"; sleeping in the back of the truck bed.


Jackie said...

Look how cute Chelsea is!! That looks like a lot of fun. We didn't make it to the fair and I'm not sure if it's over yet...maybe this weekend.

Have a great day.


Kat said...

I think you may even be more excited about those Cowboys than Chelsey!