Tuesday, August 25, 2009


So I'm on a walking kick. How else do you get the bulges off the side of your hips that you don't want? Walking seems to work, if I do it and stick with it.

I walked at work yesterday during my lunch time. It's very different walking in the big city than it is walking in the little town I live in. But it can still be serene if you let it. Just observing all that's around. You get such a different view of everything when you walk, the pace is different, your eye level is different and even the leaves blowing across the street can scare the crap out of me. If I haven't told you, I'm practically scared of my own shadow.

I remember years ago when I was in middle school and we lived sort of in the country, our living room was in the front of the house. Directly behind it was the dining room and behind it was the kitchen, but the refrigerator was off the kitchen in the utility room. I absolutely hated it later in the evening when everybody was in the front of the house and I would want something to eat or drink and I'd have to go back there in the dark to the refrig. I'd get to the kitchen, poke my head left and right like a cop with a gun then make a mad dash for the frig knowing exactly what I was after and run like crazy to the dining room and then immediately start walking so I wouldn't get in trouble for "running in the house".

Speaking of walking, it's about that time, and I brought my tennis shoes today so I don't have to walk in my sandals, wasn't that a great idea!!!

1 comment:

Megan said...

I love to walk, too. If only I had more time... Enjoy your walks, they are a great refresher!