Friday, August 28, 2009

Chase and his morning surprise

I got a call from one of Chase's teachers last night and she was calling to inform me that they were going to be "kidnapping" Chase the following morning. He had signed up to be a new member of a club and they were kidnapping all the new members and taking them to the school for breakfast as a type of inititation. The whole fun of it was catching the kids still in bed and they had to come to school just as they were.

Well, we had to let Chelsey in on the secret so she would know what was going on. I called her this morning. She said that Chase was already up when they came by to get him but he had the look of terror on his face when he opened the door, wondering what he had forgotten......

I really have found out yet if he had gotten dressed already or if he was still in his "pjs", if he'd combed his hair, interesting tonight to see how it all went.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Keep us posted...that sounds very interesting! What club is it?