Friday, May 29, 2009

It's Friday

Ok, so on Friday's, for whatever reason, I sort of get a little loopy and think of crazy songs. Well, these lyrics stem from my memories of being a kid, and my grandma playing the piano. So here's to you grandma - for a great laugh today in remembering you playing and singing, "Bill Grogan's Goat". (by the way - grandma had a goatwhen we were kids - we called her "Nanny Goat" )

Bill Grogan's Goat (repeat),
Was feelin' fine (repeat),
Ate three red shirts (repeat),
Right off the line (repeat).

Bill took a stick(repeat),
Gave him a whack (repeat),
And tied that goat (repeat),
To the railroad track (repeat).

The whislte blew! (repeat),
The train...grew...nigh (dramatic stretch)(repeat),
Bill Grogan's Goat (repeat),
Was doomed to die (repeat).

He heaved a sigh (repeat), (dramaitic stretch) (repeat),
Coughed up the shirts (repeat), And flagged the train! (repeat).

1 comment:

Megan said...

You'll have to teach that to Allison! Have a good weekend! TGIF for sure! :)