Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dodge Ball - Parents vs Students

Last night, as the school year is coming to a close, the 5th grade students got to entertain their parents in a game of dodge ball. Well, it was an hour and a half of more like killer ball. Darn, those kids can sure throw. And they cheat, oh, they won't admit it, but they do. It was alot of fun. It was organized by the PE coach and alot of fun. Our superintendent's son is also in the 5th grade class so he was there participating right along as any other parent. The kids started talking about this as soon as 5th grade started last fall and thought the day would never get here and here the night has come and gone.

But let me tell you this. There were alot of parents who left the gym a huffing and a puffing and I know from personal pain, that there are alot who are pretty sore today!!

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