Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Chelsey's Turkeys - Tom, Tom and Tom

Every year since the kids were little, we've gone out to Orschelns around Easter time when they have "Chick Days" and have always come home with some combination of duck - turkey; duck - chickens; duck - turkey - chickens; chinese gosslings; and so on. We keep them until mid summer and then give them to somebody who has chickens if they have laying hens, or somebody who has a pond if they have ducks on their pond. This year was no exception. So this year we started out with 5 turkeys. So far we still have 3 left, that is if I can remember to not let the dog out the back door when the turkeys are running loose and are not in their pen. Yikes!!!

Chelsey was taking pictures the other night, so here's a few of her turkeys.

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