Sunday, March 22, 2009

5th Grade Girls End Searson with Win

The 5th grade girls ended their season with a win against N. Shelby with a score of 11-8 in the Shelbina Lions Club Tournament. It's been a learning season for all and the girls have really made great strides. We had some real strategy at the end with the score being so close and the girls stepped up and handled things really well. I look forward to next year.

Chase played this weekend in the Madison Tournment and played 4 games. They won their first three games qualifying for the championship game but lost to Kirksville. All in all, they have much to be proud about. They will finish they traveling team season next weekend at Schulyer County.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Great job, Chelsey! I'm sure she's had a lot of fun this season. She's lucky to have a great coach and mom! :)