Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Chase - The last few weeks

Saturday was a very long day. What we do for our kids!! The traveling basketball team Chase plays for had a tournment in Moberly. They played games at 9 am, 2 pm, 5 pm and 8 pm. They won the first game 50-49; won the second 38-37; lost the third 47-37 and lost the last 54-50. It was 4 very good games of basketball and I was very proud of Chase. One of my reasons for letting him play on this team was hoping he would gain additional playing time increasing his ability to play the game. I thought it would be good to play with boys he did not know. And was I ever right. I would say in the first game alone he handled the ball more than I saw him handle it season during middle school ball. He played with such confidence. Of course there were turnovers, most of us don't play the game without doing that, but he played the game like I had never seen him play and he was scoring from the 3 point range. It was really awesome. It was also cool to see the friendships developing with the other players that are on the team. I look forward to the next few weeks of play. (Not that I look forward to multiple hours setting on hard bleachers.) They have a tournament March 14 in Paris, the next weekend in Sturgeon and the next weekend either in Columbia or an alternate location depending on the team vote - I haven't heard the outcome yet.

Other than Saturday morning baseball practice along with basketball, not sure what else to report on Chase. I guess he did go to a birthday party 2 weekends ago at the father buhman center in Shelbina for a couple girls turning 15. He frequently tells me he has no homework, which, the online grade review says he's doing fine in school, so I guess I should quit worrying about that. Other than the typical arguements, I would guess that he is normal for being 13. Or shall I say soon to be 14 as he will celebrate his 14th birthday March 14.

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