Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas at my Dads

The family... and coming new in 2009.... baby Pollard.... as Jason and Gina announced they have a little one due June 23.Chase, Chelsey, Allision and Rhett.

This was Rhett and his rocking chair he got for Christmas from my parents. Justin had rec'd this rocking chair on his 1st Christmas from our grandparents and Dad had it redone for Rhett. Please note that the upholstery is done in "camo".

Jason and his "2" can of De-Icer. Winters are hard in Minnesota.
This was the Pollard Christmas. We all gathered on Saturday after Christmas at the Golf Course. Just too many to comfortably all fit at Grandma's.
This is all of us Pollard cousins (or grandkids of Grandma) with Grandma Cile. The ladies from L to R: Debbie, Grandma and Myself. Guys L to R: Kevin, Mark, Kyle, Jason, Gary, Justin and Greg.
This is a picture of all the great grand kids and great great grandkids. I believe there are a few missing from the picture who couldn't be with us.

Christmas at Gaines

Gaines Cousins - setting L to R: Logan, Chase, Carson, Leah and Austin. Laying on the laps, Chelsey and laying on the back of the coach, Callie.

Christmas Morning

Chelsey got her cow-girl boots as she calls them. Not sure what sparked the interest, but so far it was money well spent, she's wore them everyday since Christmas.
She got a new coat with"fur" around the collar. She and Chase keep arguing on what kind of fur it is. I just tell her "fake".

Chase and the guitar for his Guitar Hero World Tour he got for the Xbox. Chelsey knew he was getting guitar hero and kept asking me which one I bought, I didn't have a clue. Well, as it turned out I got the right one, World Tour, now I know why it cost me more. Can't say that I'm very good at it though as it booed me off the stage the first time I played for "failing" the song before I made it past the first verse. Ok, so with a little practice I have gotten better but I'm sure I will be on the easy level from now to next year!!!

All Chase wanted was an Xbox 360. And of course, as with most of our electronic purchases, we've already had to head out to Game Stop and buy a new cord. They sure don't make things like they used to.

Chase and his under armour cold gear. I'm sure if he gets a hold of my password he'll try and delete this picture!!
Chelsey and her Nintendo DS. I don't see how kids keep their heads buried in these games!

Christmas Eve at The Gaines

I don't have any pictures of this get together. On Christmas Eve we jump around 1st at one family then another. The Gaines met this year at Willey's Resturant; since one of the cousins owns it, they allowed the family to gather for the festivities. Since Grandpa Estel and Grandma Jane are getting up there, it's alot easier this way. My kids are very fortunate to still have great-grandparents who are able to gather for large family functions.

Christmas Eve 2008

Christmas Eve at home before we headed out for the Hunolt and Gaines Christmas Dinners.

Chesley and the love of her life, Sadie, her loveable weiner dog.

Chase a Sadie; although technically Chelsey's dog, everybody claims her!!

Chase, Chelsey and Sadie of course.Santa and Mrs. Claus made a visit to my parents house for the Hunolt Christmas. I have never in my life seen 2 kids set on Santa's lap like Allison and Rhett did. This is my niece and nephew.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Last Few Days

Ok, so Chase has had another basketball game against Highland, gee that is a long way up there in the dark through deer country!! They won again so their record is now 5 - 2. Yeah!!!

Chelsey had her Christmas program at the school last night. K - 2nd sang first and then 3 and 4th came out to be the chorus for the 5th grade Christmas Play entitled "Santa Goes Green". It was adorable. Chelsey was one of the trees. They have been practicing for several weeks and she wouldn't even practice her songs in front of me. She didn't want to spoil it she kept telling me. It was adorable and the kids did an excellent job. There were a number of characters in the play such as trees, reindeer, toy soldiers, rag dolls, penguins, snowmen and of course Santa and Mrs. Claus. They all deserve a big round of applause!!!!

From L to R: Jordan aka Elf; Myah aka Ragdoll; Chelsey aka Tree and Taylor aka Tree.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Driving Me Crazy

Ok, so right now my 13 year old is driving the dog nuts, which in turn is driving me crazy as well as Chelsey. He is blowing on some kind of a duck call which is just driving the little weiner dog nuts. She is barking and running around the house. The more I tell Chase to quit the harder he blows. I think I need to walk outside in the cold, take a deep breathe and come back in and regroup.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Chase Won 1st Place!!!

Shelbina Middle School Boys Win First Place

Last night the boys played for 1st place against North Shelby and won. I think the score was 38 to 26. It was a great game and Chase ( #44) played an amazing game. He had 8 points, 11 rebounds and 4 fouls. While fouls aren't always a good thing, it can be a sign that you played hard and that he did!! It was a very proud moment for his mom.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

McWilliams Get Together

The 5 McWilliams cousins: Leslie, Sherry, Matt, Susan and Kara. We celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas all during Thanksgiving since Kara and her family come from Tennessee. Sherry, Kara and I all braved the Black Friday shopping but we didn't leave until 7 a.m. that morning then the kids and spouses met us that night for supper out and bowling which has sort of become a tradition.
Sisterly love.

This is Matt's little girl Callie getting acquainted with Bailey's new puppy Bo. Bo is a Yorkie, who at 9 weeks, only weighed 1 lb. 7 oz.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Early Thanksgiving at the Pollard's

We had Thanksgiving early at my dad's. Getting my son to take pictures is like pulling teeth, but we actually got Chase to pose and he wasn't frowning.

Me and my kids, Chase and Chelsey.
Me and my sister-in-laws; Gina on the left, she is married to Jason and they live in MN now and Megan, who is married to Justin and they live in Macon.

I don't know who has ever been in my parents family room but it has quite a collection of the "trophies" that have been taken over the years by my dad and brothers. We were goofing around as Gina stook underneath this set of antlers and gave us the "deer in the headlights look". Megan has the rest of us being stupid on her camera so I'm sure the rest of us will all show up on her blog.

This is my niece Allison Grace; age 3 and Rhett Hunter; age 7 1/2 months.

Gina used to be a Mary Kay rep so she has lots of makeup and Allison likes to put in on everybody; although this morning Chelsey got a little makeover from uncle Justin. I don't think this was what she expected to happen!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Alumni Basketball...Um, Am I Too Old?

So as I was saying, we are into basketball now. Chase's season in middle school has started. Chesley is old enough this year to play in the Lion's Club Basketball that starts in March, several weeks in a row of tournaments here - there - and yonder. But, there other leagues going on such as the Moberly League that she could be playing in to get some experience. The only problem was, nobody was organizing a team for her age group. I got spoiled when Chase was younger as one of the boys always had a dad that was coach and it was easy, take him to practice, show up at the games, my job was complete. But with Chelsey, not the case. So I decided to coach. Ok, it's been a few years since I played, um, like 21 to be exact. Oh, I play in the drive way and smoke Chase every once in a while but I certainly have to be careful or he'll make me eat one since this 5'9" thirteen year old towers over his 5'4" mom. Anyway, I have gotten a team together and we're working out some practice times. I can do this coaching thing, how hard can it be?

So on to the alumni thing..... I was reading the local paper Wednesday night and I see the article about a South Shelby Alumni Game to be held in December, if interested, contact..... boy oh boy, here's my chance, to remember how it's all done. Problem is, I don't know if this out of shape almost 40 body can make it up and down the court without frothing at the mouth. Guess we'll find out. Sounds fun and surely they'll group all of us oldies together playing against each other so we can all pant at the same rate. Wish me luck!!! Interesting enough, one of the contacts to sign up for the game is Thad Requet, brought back some high school playing memories of my senior year. Thad and I were in yearbook and journalism together and we both used to shoot some pretty long shots. Of course these days those would be known as "3 pointers". I played so long ago it was just a long shot that still only netted 2 points for swishing the net. Anyway, everyday after we'd had a game, Thad and I would see who had more points the night before. Kind of a little competition we had. I'll have to see if he still remembers.

The Latest Happenings

So, you can tell my blog is a little outdated. Middle School Basketbell started this week. The first game was Tuesday. So I have left work and I am on the edge of town and my son calls and wants to know where I am. Of course that irritates me and I tell him on the way home. He's insistent on knowing, so I tell him, and he says, mom, I have to dress up tomorrow for the away game and my dress clothes don't fit. Really, I think. He's went from like a size 10 1/2 shoe to a 12 and his jeans are a 30/32; so why did I think last years pants which were boys size 16 would fit.

So I detour and head to Moberly to visit Wally World and buy 2 pair of pants, 3 shirts and 2 ties. I only have one shot at this and I can return the un-needed.

Whew - I did good. Both pants fit but he liked the flat front better and the one blue shirt matched last years tie.

So he may have been one of the best newly dressed kids for the first game, but unfortunately they lost; as well as lost their next game which was last night; but not nearly as bad.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Small Things

My kids are now 13 and 11 and are getting to the point of self-sufficiency. It's amazing how such "small things" can give you joy, like having your son ask you to make him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and cut it diagonally and brushing your daughters long hair after she's gotten out of the shower. It seems like only yesterday that they were still in diapers, how quickly the time can get away from you. We live in such a fast paced world now. Just a note to all my friends, take the time to enjoy the small things, they are precious.

Monday, November 10, 2008

More Birthday Party Pictures

At the campfire.

During the hayride.
The morning after again inside the playhouse. Chelsey's dog Sadie got to join in the fun.

Chelsey and the girls.

The Birthday Party Pictures

This was called the yarn game. Nothing to really win or lose. The girls just threw the two colors back and forth and then got really tangled up at the end.
The morning after. At midnight they were all jumping on the trampoline.

This was inside that night at the weiner roast and hayride eating. It was pretty chilly.

Front L to R: Rachelle, Chelsey - the birthday girl, Taylor and Myah. Back L to R: Jessie Mae, Randi, Abbey, Kaytlyn, Jordan and Chelcey.

Chelsey decorating her cake.

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Big Birthday Party This Weekend

OMG - I have 10 girls coming to the house this weekend all age 11 and 12. Not sure I am ready for this!!! I should be counting my blessings though as my little secretary, Chelsey herself, has the party planned out to a T. All I have to do today is not forget to buy yarn today which is part of one of the games. Sure wish the weather had stayed a little warmer but we'll be good as long as we have no rain.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Playhouse

"The Playhouse". Many of you have heard much about the playhouse. It was a progress in the making and started in October 2006 and was completed October 2008. This picture unfortunately still shows all the crap still setting around it, but Chelsey is finally going to get to utilize it as she will celebrate her 11th birthday with a party this Saturday, Nov. 8 and all 10 girls are supposed to sleep outside, 5 upstairs and 5 downstairs. While this little "condo" does not have indoor plumbing or running water, it does have electricity to it so if the weather turns cold again, portable heat will be an option. I'm sure after this weekend I'll have more pictures to post with the girls enjoying all the amenities this Five Star Resort has to offer.
The upstairs.The upstairs as you enter from the downstairs.

Downstairs of the playhouse looking in the front door, this photo does not reflect that the trim is complete as well as the floor installed.

Chase End of Season Football

Chase and his friend David Heathman who was the quarterback.
Chase is no longer my little boy as he stands basically at 5'9". They finished 3 -3 and now we are on to basketball.

Halloween 2008

This is my little hippie disco queen. At first she wasn't too keen on the dress, but once we had "summer" weather for 2008 Halloween, all was fine!!
Some of the girls Chelsey went trick or treating with. I hope they did more treating than they did tricking.