Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Morning

Chelsey got her cow-girl boots as she calls them. Not sure what sparked the interest, but so far it was money well spent, she's wore them everyday since Christmas.
She got a new coat with"fur" around the collar. She and Chase keep arguing on what kind of fur it is. I just tell her "fake".

Chase and the guitar for his Guitar Hero World Tour he got for the Xbox. Chelsey knew he was getting guitar hero and kept asking me which one I bought, I didn't have a clue. Well, as it turned out I got the right one, World Tour, now I know why it cost me more. Can't say that I'm very good at it though as it booed me off the stage the first time I played for "failing" the song before I made it past the first verse. Ok, so with a little practice I have gotten better but I'm sure I will be on the easy level from now to next year!!!

All Chase wanted was an Xbox 360. And of course, as with most of our electronic purchases, we've already had to head out to Game Stop and buy a new cord. They sure don't make things like they used to.

Chase and his under armour cold gear. I'm sure if he gets a hold of my password he'll try and delete this picture!!
Chelsey and her Nintendo DS. I don't see how kids keep their heads buried in these games!

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