Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Playhouse

"The Playhouse". Many of you have heard much about the playhouse. It was a progress in the making and started in October 2006 and was completed October 2008. This picture unfortunately still shows all the crap still setting around it, but Chelsey is finally going to get to utilize it as she will celebrate her 11th birthday with a party this Saturday, Nov. 8 and all 10 girls are supposed to sleep outside, 5 upstairs and 5 downstairs. While this little "condo" does not have indoor plumbing or running water, it does have electricity to it so if the weather turns cold again, portable heat will be an option. I'm sure after this weekend I'll have more pictures to post with the girls enjoying all the amenities this Five Star Resort has to offer.
The upstairs.The upstairs as you enter from the downstairs.

Downstairs of the playhouse looking in the front door, this photo does not reflect that the trim is complete as well as the floor installed.

1 comment:

Megan said...

How cute! I'm sure Chelsey and the girls will have a great time. I'm glad that the "condo" got finished! YAY! :)