Friday, November 21, 2008

The Latest Happenings

So, you can tell my blog is a little outdated. Middle School Basketbell started this week. The first game was Tuesday. So I have left work and I am on the edge of town and my son calls and wants to know where I am. Of course that irritates me and I tell him on the way home. He's insistent on knowing, so I tell him, and he says, mom, I have to dress up tomorrow for the away game and my dress clothes don't fit. Really, I think. He's went from like a size 10 1/2 shoe to a 12 and his jeans are a 30/32; so why did I think last years pants which were boys size 16 would fit.

So I detour and head to Moberly to visit Wally World and buy 2 pair of pants, 3 shirts and 2 ties. I only have one shot at this and I can return the un-needed.

Whew - I did good. Both pants fit but he liked the flat front better and the one blue shirt matched last years tie.

So he may have been one of the best newly dressed kids for the first game, but unfortunately they lost; as well as lost their next game which was last night; but not nearly as bad.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Sounds like a typical boy...waiting until the last minute to tell you anything! Looking forward to seeing you this weekend!