Thursday, October 14, 2010

Old Threshers

Old Threshers Sept. 18, 2010 - It had been a beautiful day until low and behold about 6 pm it cut loose and rained a gully washer. Very frustrating as the Rhett Atkins concert was that night. Well, a little mud isn't going to stop Shelby County from having a good ole time. The guys fired up the engines, scraped off the top layer of mud, threw down some straw and we had ourselves a concert.
A little mud didn't stop Shelby County from having a concert. They just scraped off the top layer and threw down some straw.
Rhett Atkins in concert.
Mine and Jen's boots.
Thanks Rusty, for letting us use your camper to stay out of the rain and warm up a little.
What a fashionista!!

Chelsey and I.
Chelsey, Randi and Jessie Mae. Don't you just love my daughters outfit.......camo, shorts and boots. She cracks me up.

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