Thursday, October 14, 2010

My son..................

Ok, so I was driving home from work two nights ago, close to home and my son calls. He said what are you doing. I say the same thing every time he calls me like this, driving home. He says, do you go to the doctor for a sprained ankle. My question to him is who needs to go to the doctor to which he responds I do.

Evidently, he was at a friends house, tryin to be an acrobat on the trampoline, did a back flip and landed on the ground. Of course it's 5 pm and the local doctor office is closed. So of course I tell him we will evaluate when I get home and see him.

Must not have been too painful as he didn't stroll in for a couple hours later, but it was a little swollen and he claimed it "really hurt". So the following morning he wanted to know if I had called the doctor yet. It was 7 am. Hum, no, I had not. Too early. Dad wasn't quite as sypathetic as I had been................advice to son..............wrap it up, suck it up and go to school. LOL.

Don't think he liked it very well, but he could walk on it. Granted, I know it had to hurt, most sprains do and alot of the time the doctor will tell you a sprain hurts worse than a brake. He was walking on it so I think we are in the clear of anything serious. I guess he just wanted a little TLC from his mom.

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