Friday, January 9, 2009

This Week's Happenings

I returned to work on Monday from being on vacation the week following Christmas and wished I had either not gone on vacation or just stayed. The following day I woke up not feeling well but knew it was imperative that I go to work so I headed off only to get 40 min. south to get sick and realized I had to turn around. I thought it was the flu again but later think it was the migraine that made me sick as the pain often does. I was pretty out of it. I continued to work the rest of the week and got to feeling better every day. The South Shelby Basketball Tournment has been going on this week and Chase went 2 nights and had his own games 2 nights and now on Friday he's not home. Is that any surprise? He's gone to spend the night with a friend as they are going to butcher hogs in the morning. The boys middle school team did add 2 wins to their credit and think we have a couple of games next week. We had basketball practice with Chelsey's team this week and continue our weekly games at Moberly. So far they haven't won but they continue to improve their skills and their knowledge of the game and have definitely learned to be more aggressive. Chelsey also managed to get away tonight to spend the night with a friend and I spent the evening in front of the TV with my laptop working. There is something so wrong about being in your PJ's on a Friday night by 7:30 pm working.......

1 comment:

Gina said...

Sounds like you have been busy these past few days!

I totally know what you mean about having to go back to work after the long vacation! Last week was sooo long after having a good 2 weeks off and being in MO! Hope you are feeling better and have a less eventful week this week!