Monday, January 19, 2009

This Past Week In Basketball

Let's see, Chase had a game on Monday and they won but the game on Thursday was cancelled since there was no school that day due to the "frigid temperature" outside. I went to the Varsity game alone on Friday night and watched a couple pretty entertaining games. Chelsey's 5th grade girls played 2 games on Sunday; we won the first game 7 - 5; yes, the score was only 7 - 5 but what matters is who has the most points at the end of the buzzer in the 4th quarter and that was us. They really did a good job even though the score doesn't reflect it. Then we had to hustle to the other building for a double header. We lost, 9 - I don't know, in the high 30's; but the most important thing is they are learning and improving and this game they scored more points than any other game they had played. The game ended on a sour note as one of our players was hurt and later that night I found out she had tore some muscles in the top of her arm between the wrist and the elbow. She'll be missed and we're sorry she won't be able to play the last Moberly game, but we are thankful no broken bones.


Gina said...

YAY!!! Congrats on the girls' first win! How exciting and to watch them improve has got to be fun too.

Megan said...

Congrats, Coach! Sounds like the girls are doing much better! How many games does she have left? Let me know and we'll try to get to some!