Sunday, January 17, 2010

Letting the Propane Run Out

So I had propane put in my tank on December 28, 2009. I had the same amount put in it a month before that. I realize that from Dec. 28 on it has been colder but I never thought I would run out on the 14th day of January.

I left Thursday night to go to Monroe with my cousin to watch her daughter in the tournament. Any time I leave the house for an extended period of time I usually turn the heat down. I had left at 6 pm and didn't get back until about 10:15 pm.

I walked in the front door and thought geez, I must have really turned the heat down when I left. So I walked over to the thermostat and there it set, still on 70. I thought, oh $hit, surely I have not run out of propane already.

I walked to the kitchen and opened up the closet to the furnace room and there was silence. No furnace pilot on it or the hot water heater.

Holy cow.........what was I thinking. Well, obviously I hadn't been. I've only ran out of any gas two other times in my life. It was for my car. Once was when I was in college, that was long enough ago it hardly even counts. The second time was about 2 years ago on my way to work in Columbia. I had gotten stopped on the way to work that morning for speeding, lucked out and didn't get a ticket, but because I had gotten stopped it was putting my behind and I didn't want to be late for work so I figured up in my head the gallons in my tank, the miles per gallon I got and the miles I had driven and still had to go and thought I had enough to get me to work.

Nope, didn't quite make it. About 2 miles from work, yep, I ran out. So not only was I late, and out of gas, I had to call a co-worker to come pick up my dumb a$$ and take me to work. Then at lunch we got a gas can and went and got my car.

Well, I have in the first time in my life ran out of propane. The only thing I can say is thank goodness mother nature had let up for a few days and it wasn't the freezing sub zero temperatures we had been having and it was only me that was gonna suffer thru the night. So I piled on about 6 blankets on the couch and turned on my electric heater and pulled up close to the couch and it really wasn't too bad.

But trust me, I was on the phone first thing in the morning doing what I should have already done, order more propane. I put a little me in this time and I promise to check it more often. The next time I might not get as lucky with the weather.


Kat said...

You turn DOWN the thermostat to 70???Good lord woman, what do you keep that thing at while you are at home, 80?!?! LOL

Leslie said...

No, 70 is what I have it on when I am home. I usually turn it down to about 65 when I leave. That's just it, I didn't turn it down the night I left and when I came home had run out of propane.

Kat said...

Oh well thank goodness. I thought you were running a sauna!! :)