Monday, January 18, 2010

Another classic teenager / tween moment

So I have one kid on the home tower computer in the dining room and another one in his bedroom on the laptop. I am going back and forth thru the house gathering dirty clothes, starting laundry and putting the clean up.

So I ask my son, what' cha doing there? He says, talking to Chelsey. I asked, on facebook chat? He says, yep. I laugh.

I pass through the dining room and Chelsey is smiling, sort of giggling, and I say, you can't get up and go in your brother's room and talk to him. She replies, I'm not going in his room to talk to him.

But at least they are communicating. There are good things to be said about technology, but in some ways, it all needs to be used in moderation. We are losing people skills.

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