Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine Treats

Last night I made my last elementary treats for a holiday. Oh, the end to an era! And I chose to make rice krispy treats......did I forget that I don't do sticky stuff very well??? I remember the year I thought I would make popcorn balls for halloween to hand out. I had popcorn from the tips of my fingers to my elbows and bawling before it was all over.....well, some 15 years later the whole experience seemed to almost repeat itself with rice krispy treats. Once again, I had rice krispy's with marshmallow stuff from the end of my fingers up to my elbows......the only difference, I remained calm and remembered what my step-mom told me so many years ago, need more butter on your hands.....oh yeah, how could I forget?!?!?! So Chelsey pushed up my sleeves and I dug into the butter and managed to get the treats made without tears and Chelsey put the final touches on one pan. The finished product is gloriously displayed above. For anybody that is struggling with what is says, the first line is a row of hearts; the second line reads HAPPY and the final row says - V~DAY~. I must say, I really should have attempted this fine treat long ago as they were scrumptious and even better with a little chocolate icing added.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Mmm...those look delicious! I think you should make them the next time we're in town for a visit! :)