Saturday, February 7, 2009

My life revolves around sports practice

Ok, so my daughter has had basketball practice twice already this week. I know, I'm the coach, I'm in control of how many practices we have and really, twice a week isn't that bad. But now we throw in baseball practice for Chase which started today as well as practice for a traveling basketball team he is now on.

Actually, I'm ok with practice, because if they are at practice and being active, their butts aren't on the coach in front of the TV and at the end of the bed playing X-box. It's exercise, which does a body good!!

Who would of thought that today, except of being a little damp out, the could have actually had baseball practice outside. It was 51 degress at 9 a.m. I'm sure when this practice was set up a week or so ago it was probably like, what, 10 degrees? Anyway, after that was over, we headed to Paris for traveling basketball practice. There are 11 boys total on the team, 2 from Shelbina, 1 from Clarence, 2 from Shelbyville and 6 from Paris. I think it's great for Chase to play with a mixture of boys and it builds relationships of comradery. (did I spell that right?) Anyway, after that was over we came home and Chase and I shot baskets outside. His mom may be old but she can sure still give him a run for his money at the hoops. ( from a stationary shot that is) He's on to Quincy tonight to watch South play in the shoot out at Quincy Notre Dame and Chelsey decided she just wanted to chill at home, which was fine with me as the laundry is in desperate need of being caught up. So it pj's early tonight for me!!

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