Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Chelsey's Birthday Party

So I posted some pictures on Chelsey's birthday but here are the pictures from her actual birthday party on the Saturday after her birthday. The girls came over on Saturday and we went to Moberly bowling and then to the Columbia Mall to hang out and eat Chinese. As soon as we got there the girls ran into 2 of their other friends who had come to shop for the evening so they all hooked up and hung out together. It was a fun time.

Taylor bowling.
Myah on a bear.

Myah bowling.

Kaytlynn bowling.

Jordan bowling.

Jessica bowling.


All the girls at the mall.

The girls at the bowling alley.

Taylor, Chelsey, Jessica and Myah. Not sure where Taylor and Jordan was.


Chelsey bowling.

Bailey and Kaytlynn.


Gina said...

Yay for the picture updates! Looks like Chelsey's birthday party was loads of fun! Can't wait to see you guys this weekend!!

Megan said...

So this kind of craziness is what I have to look forward to in the next few years! I'm sure the girls had a GREAT time!