Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Last Week

Wow...been a week since I posted. My life's not that exciting, just busy. I found out this past Friday that I would be starting my new post on Oct. 5; wasn't exactly thrilled at the 3 week delay but totally accepting of it as that's just the way things work out sometime. But Monday I got the news my start date had been pushed back a week, so now I don't start until Oct. 12; bummer. I'll have to admit, I am disappointed at the delay but know the end is in sight. I've made this drive to work for over 4 years and never complained, even after the wreck and the bad weather, because it was a choice I had made from the beginning. But today, for the first time driving to work, I thought I would never arrive at work due to the # of miles trecked to get there. All in due time they say, all in due time.

So, last Friday night I attended the high school football game. Fairly saddened by the fact that my son, who is a freshman this year, is not a part of the team as he decided not to play. They won, the weather was awesome and I spent time socializing in the stands. (oh come on, what female really goes to the game to watch, lol ).

Chelsey had company over after the game and they spent the night in the play house. Great night for it.

On Saturday, it was Farmer's Day in town, activities, parade, Little Mr and Miss Contest. I got up early to go up and watch the baby show. Then I went by and bought my 3 lbs of onions I had to chop up for the food stand for 4 - H. Ok, boy, did I mess up. Cutting 2 slices of onions sometimes proves to be very emotional ( hence the tears ) - try cutting 3 lbs of them all at once !!! Good grief, talk about a bawl baby. If I cried one tear, I cried like a billion. And of course I didn't think to wait to put my makeup on, so you can guess that I got to that all over again once I finally got done with my kitchen duties.

We went uptown and got ready to watch the parade. Found a few bargains as the stores usually clearance out stuff since fall is approaching. I guess I really should have passed on the bargains once I found out how much the letter jacket was going to be. I met Chase uptown at the sports store to get measured for his letter jacket and found out it was like buying gold, $ 202.98, OMG. I thought I was going to die. Now I realize that some 25 years ago when I bought my letter jacket ( another OMG, 25 yrs ago, I feel so old ! ) I think they only cost like $ 60.00 and it's hanging in my closest about like new. So I told Chelsey we were cutting off the " 87 " and buying new numbers " 16 " for her year and she could have it. You know that didn't go over very well. Guess that is a better option than one of my friends last night, she said she got her sister's letter jacket who was 3 yrs older than her but then had to give it back so her sister's two girls could wear it.

So from 2- 4 pm Chelsey and I got to work the food stand and finished the shift by tearing the stand down and packing all away.

The Little Mr and Miss Farmerette contest was at 5 pm and we stayed for that. Just prior to that I had been on the phone with my son, who went from wanting 2 boys to spend the night that I had ok'd; to 8 boys staying the night. I argued and I said no but somewhere lost the battle and home I went to see what I was up against. Have you ever had to feed 8 boys ages 13, 14 and 15. They were really good and wasn't any issues, but come morning they were ready to eat again!

Went to the middle school softball and football game last night. The weather was amazing; however the teams didn't fair as well.

So tonight I need to try and get all my garage sale stuff start to be set up for the City Wide this Saturday. Not sure if I will make it the football game friday since it is away with this garage sale to get ready for but it was one the things I look forward to on the weekend.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I love reading your posts, because it is telling me what I have to look forward to in just a few short years of feeding boys! Heath has people ask him all the time how we are going to pay for them to go to college and his response is " hell I'm just worried about feeding them!". Thanks for the update and your weekends sound as busy as ours! We head to Mexico on Sat. morning, so a little R&R for me on the beach!