Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Connecting with an old friend

Well, most of those who follow this, I think, are users of facebook. I received a friend request today and I didn't exactly recognize the name of the female. But what looked extremely familiar was the way the first name was spelled as to this day, she is the only person I have came in contact that spelled it that way. When I got home and logged onto the computer at home and could see the picture of the person it certainly was a familiar face from years past. It was my best friend from elementary. I am embarrassed to say now that I don't remember what year she moved, it was either during 4th or 5th grade. I just remember going on Christmas break and when we returned to school she was gone. We kept in contact for a couple of years writing letters but sometimes the miles are just too much too compete with. But I can still recite her address to where she moved so you know I did my share of writing.

Here again, I can't quite remember the date, but my friends grandfather passed away and I had a feeling that she and her family would be at the visitation so I went and fortunately did get to see them. I was sorry our meeting up again after so many years was due to her family's loss, but it was nice to catch up.

Technology can be such a good thing when used properly and that is what I am thankful for today, as it connected me with my former childhood best friend Jacquie. She's a long way away from here, but I look forward to getting to know her again, even if it's thru the screen.

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