Thursday, September 24, 2009

Headache resulted in |V treatment

Well, the headache was so back this time I ended up at Boone Hospital in the IV Infusion Center for treatment. When I came home from work Tuesday night I was starting to get a headache. It was manageable, so I just went to bed without taking anything hoping sleep would be the answer.

I woke up yesterday morning with it being worse, but of course I was out of my prescription for when I get a migraine. I called in the refill on my way to work and picked it up by 8:30 a.m. and took one and the pain sort of subsided but by about 1:30 pm it was coming back to at 2 pm I took another dose which didn't have much result.

I woke up this a.m. with it worse than ever and went to work anyway and started calling the doctor at 8 a.m but they never answered so I went over there at 8:50 a.m to find out they were opening at 9 am today and was able to get worked in but they don't do any type of injections there so they gave me orders to go over to Boone Hospital for the infusion iv. They got that started by about 10:30 pm and it wasn't long and I was sawing logs. Pain was so bad I was throwing up (sorry ); but about 12:45 pm I woke up; was feeling some relief and headed back to work.

I can't say the pain is completely gone, I feel like it is just lurking in the back waiting to attack again. I don't know what causes the headaches and wish they could find out. It is one of the worst experiences I have ever had to go thru; I don't think child birth hurt that bad ( and I would know cause I had two kids without pain medicine. )

1 comment:

Megan said...

Oh, Leslie! I'm so sorry. Migraines are awful and I hate to see you going through so much physical pain. Maybe it's time for some 2nd or 3rd opinions!