Tuesday, September 14, 2010

In Memory..................

In Memory: Christy Maubach ~ October 7, 1992 to September 14, 2010

Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.

The above words are on the memorial shirts for the beloved friend Christy Maubach, who tragically lost her life today in an auto accident. It took only hours for the members of her senior class to organize a candle light vigil tonight which was held at the Shelbina Lake in which a slide show was presented, remembering Christy, along with music and prayer.

God received in his family today, a beautiful angel. Sometimes we don't understand how a young life, full of vibrance, beauty, grace, generosity and spirit can be taken from us...........we are left to cope with the loneliness of missing them. Find comfort in one another and in their memory.

Rest in peace beautiful child.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Such a sad sad loss!