Sunday, April 26, 2009

Here Come The Updates....

I'm sure these posts are going to be randomly posted in no chronilogical order as I try to remember what has been going on these past 3 weeks.

Let's start off with this weekend. Chase went to a friends house Friday after school for a camp out birthday party. He took his four-wheeler. To be honest, I haven't asked too many questions. He didn't come home with any broken bones so I guess all is good. Chase also found herself over at a friends house to playing. It was a lovely evening so we walked over and got her and then ended up going uptown for a late bite to eat.

Chelsey and I arose early Saturday morning to go over and babysit for Rhett, my 1 yr old nephew. He was spending the weekend with grandma Lola but she had to work Saturday morning. Justin and Jason were turkey hunting and Megan and Allison were gone to St. Louis for the weekend to attend the Taylor Swift / Kellie Pickler concert. I haven't heard all the details about the concert yet but from what I understand Allison was mesmorized!

It wasn't as warm out Saturday morning as I had hoped, but it was still ok to take Rhett for a stroller ride. We strolled him uptown and stopped in at Rus T's and Chelsey picked out a shirt to use a gift card she'd had since her birthday. After we left there and got back to grandma's, we went out to visit my cousin Susan at Tim's Home Center. Rhett was quite the little ham out there and found himself a pretty blonde who let him sit on her lap ( oops, don't tell his dad! lol). We took him back home and had lunch and then he went down for a good nap.

Rhett just turned a year old at the first of the month and he's really starting to do some funny things. He whistles and he hoots like an owl. He's got the prettiest blue eyes. He got up from his nap and we had fun along with Grandpa Ed playing with him. We left there around 2:30 pm and went home for the Baker girls to arrive who were staying with Chelsey.

Chelsey, Jordan and Jessie Mae are like triplets but they really aren't. The girls think it's funny when the go places out of town if people ask to play along with it. The girls played basketball, took Sadie on a walk, played Wii and whatever else they could find to do.

It was such a beautiful afternoon that all I wanted to be was outside. I pushed mowed and then dug around a little in my flower beds. I had nothing to plant yet but I got the weeds out and softed the top layer of dirt up at least.

They wanted homemade pizza for supper which really wasn't too hard, even for me, once I got the dough to quit sticking to my fingers. (more flour) Chase was gone fishing so he didn't get in on the pizza when it was hot out of the oven but I don't think that stopped him later. The girls concluded their evening by watching Beverly Hills Chiwauwau.

I woke up this morning, Sunday, to another of my wonderful headaches. Actually, I had one Friday where it affected my vision but the medicine somewhat worked, then I started gettig another one Saturday afternoon but took my prescription and it warded it off. And I woke up this morning with one that was more on the painful side. I took some medicine and in a couple of hours it had let me and I became functional. Had a pretty productive day. Did tons and tons of laundry, MANUALLY washed dishes as my dishwasher is leaking ( repair man is scheduled for Tuesday), cooked lunch and then got ready to go to a baby shower for my brother Jason and his wife Gina.

Jason and Gina got really great news the week of Easter, they found out Gina was getting transferred to Mason City, IL with her work. They have had a full couple of weeks as they have house hunted, offered and made a deal on a house and Jason got a job there as well. They were here this weekend for the shower and a birthday party of Gina's niece. I think they made the trip from Mason City to Shelbina in under 3 hours. This is such wonderful news. We are all super excited to have them back closer and now we'll get to spoil the new baby coming that much more.

I finished off the afternoon by getting on the rider and mowing the back yards of what I pushed yesterday. Anything to be outside!!

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