Sunday, April 26, 2009

Chase and Track

With the exception of the very 1st track meeting being cancelled due to really cold weather and another one being cancelled because of the wet track conditions, the weather has been very nice for the rest of the track meets so far. This is Chase's first year in track and I guess it is going well so far. I only went out for track in middle school and I can guarantee you it wasn't for the sport of it....purely a social angle. Chase did not originally go out this year either, but the coach came to him and asked him to give it a try and he's been ok with it. He's done the long jump some and then runs the 400 m run and the 400 x 4 relay. It's hard sometimes when they announce the winners to know how well he did. I know he's brought home one medal for a 3rd place in a relay. Not all of the meets are medal meets. But it's good that it keeps him active.

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