Thursday, November 12, 2009

Minor update....

Just a quick update to say hey....I'm alive. Barely keeping my head above water, but managing somehow. Let's just say life sort of happened and it hasn't been smooth sailing and I'm not sure when it will be.

I wish there were more hours in my day, I wish I could really say what I was feeling and what I was thinking but it's probably better just kept bottled up. For those who wouldn't understand anyway, this way they can't have the chance to understand me even less than they do.

So many things I wish I could change, so many things I wish I had the chance to do differently. I don't know that the end result would be any different but I definitely know that the path to that point of knowing would be a much different one.

How many times can I break until I shatter? Doesn't feel like many more.

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