Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Times flies when you're having fun...walking... 6.2 miles later

Ok, you know the saying, "time flies when you're having fun"? Well, I guess you could say the same applies when 2 woman are walking, running their mouths and the next thing you know it has been 6 miles later.....

Yes, my friend Caroline and I went out walking last night. We talked and laughed and carried on as we went... and the next thing you know we had been gone for an hour and half and we'd walked 6.2 miles. Well, we didn't actually know how far we'd walked until we got in the car aftewards and drove the route but that's what it turned out to be.

And OMG, can I feel it today....but we're lined up to go another 6 tonight. We've charted a different course tonight, one that does not involve gravel.

Wish us luck!!

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